Source code for approxposterior.mcmcUtils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:py:mod:`` - Markov Chain Monte Carlo Utility Functions

MCMC utility functions for validating emcee MCMC runs within approxposterior.

# Tell module what it's allowed to import
__all__ = ["validateMCMCKwargs", "batchMeansMCSE", "estimateBurnin"]

import numpy as np

[docs]def validateMCMCKwargs(ap, samplerKwargs, mcmcKwargs, verbose=False): """ Validates emcee.EnsembleSampler parameters/kwargs. Parameters ---------- ap : approxposterior.ApproxPosterior Initialized ApproxPosterior object samplerKwargs : dict dictionary containing parameters intended for emcee.EnsembleSampler object mcmcKwargs : dict dictionary containing parameters intended for emcee.EnsembleSampler.run_mcmc/.sample object verbose : bool, optional verboisty level. Defaults to False (no output) Returns ------- samplerKwargs : dict Sanitized dictionary containing parameters intended for emcee.EnsembleSampler object mcmcKwargs : dict Sanitized dictionary containing parameters intended for emcee.EnsembleSampler.run_mcmc/.sample object """ # First validate kwargs for emcee.EnsembleSampler object if samplerKwargs is None: samplerKwargs = dict() samplerKwargs["ndim"] = ap.theta.shape[-1] samplerKwargs["nwalkers"] = 20 * samplerKwargs["dim"] samplerKwargs["log_prob_fn"] = ap._gpll else: # If user set ndim, ignore it and align it with theta's dimensionality samplerKwargs.pop("ndim", None) samplerKwargs["ndim"] = ap.theta.shape[-1] # Initialize other parameters if they're not provided try: nwalkers = samplerKwargs["nwalkers"] except KeyError: print("WARNING: samplerKwargs provided but nwalkers not in samplerKwargs") print("Defaulting to nwalkers = 20 per dimension.") samplerKwargs["nwalkers"] = 20 * samplerKwargs["ndim"] if "backend" in samplerKwargs.keys(): print("WARNING: backend in samplerKwargs. approxposterior creates its own!") print("with filename = apRun.h5. Disregarding user-supplied backend.") # Handle case when user supplies own loglikelihood function if "log_prob_fn" in samplerKwargs.keys(): # Remove any other log_prob_fn samplerKwargs.pop("log_prob_fn", None) # Prevent users from providing their own backend samplerKwargs.pop("backend", None) # Properly initialize log_prob_fn to be GP loglikelihood estimate samplerKwargs["log_prob_fn"] = ap._gpll # Validate mcmcKwargs dict used in sampling posterior distribution # e.g. emcee.EnsembleSampler.run_mcmc method if mcmcKwargs is None: mcmcKwargs = dict() mcmcKwargs["iterations"] = 10000 mcmcKwargs["initial_state"] = ap.priorSample(samplerKwargs["nwalkers"]) else: try: nsteps = mcmcKwargs["iterations"] except KeyError: mcmcKwargs["iterations"] = 10000 if verbose: print("WARNING: mcmcKwargs provided, but iterations not in mcmcKwargs.") print("Defaulting to iterations = 10000.") try: p0 = mcmcKwargs["initial_state"] except KeyError: mcmcKwargs["initial_state"] = ap.priorSample(samplerKwargs["nwalkers"]) if verbose: print("WARNING: mcmcKwargs provided, but initial_state not in mcmcKwargs.") print("Defaulting to nwalkers samples from priorSample.") return samplerKwargs, mcmcKwargs
# end function
[docs]def batchMeansMCSE(samples, bins=None, fn=None): """ Estimate the Monte Carlo Standard Error of MCMC samples using the non-overlapping batch means methods. See Flegal, Haran, & Jones (2008) for more info: Parameters ---------- samples : array nsamples x ndim array of MCMC samples bins : int, optional Number of bins. Defaults to int(sqrt(len(samples))) fn : function, optional Function used to compute posterior summary statistic on each chunk. Defaults to None to compute the simple expected value, aka the mean. Returns ------- RMSE : float/array RMSE for each dimension of the chain """ # Initialize function if None provided if fn is None: fn = lambda x : x # Initialize number of chunks if bins is None: bins = max(int(np.sqrt(len(samples))),2) # num MUST be an interger assert isinstance(bins, int), "num must be an interger" # Figure out dimensionality samples = np.asarray(samples) ndim = samples.ndim # Compute b, init holder b = int(len(samples) / bins) if ndim > 1: ndim = samples.shape[-1] y = np.zeros((bins, ndim)) else: y = np.zeros(bins) # Estimate summary statistic using entire chain mu = np.mean(fn(samples), axis=0) # Compute summary statistic for each bin in the chain for ii in range(bins): # Select current chunk, compute! lower = ii * b upper = (ii + 1) * b y[ii] = np.sum(fn(samples[lower:upper]), axis=0) / b # Estimate batch means (MCSE) as empirical standard deviation, return MCSE mcse = b / (bins - 1) * np.sum((y - mu)**2, axis=0) return np.sqrt(mcse / len(samples))
# end function
[docs]def estimateBurnin(sampler, estBurnin=True, thinChains=True, verbose=False): """ Estimate the integrated autocorrelation length on the MCMC chain associated with an emcee sampler object. With the integrated autocorrelation length, we can then estimate the burn-in length for the MCMC chain. This procedure follows the example outlined here: Parameters ---------- sampler : emcee.EnsembleSampler emcee MCMC sampler object/backend handler, given a complete chain estBurnin : bool, optional Estimate burn-in time using integrated autocorrelation time heuristic. Defaults to True. In general, we recommend users inspect the chains and calculate the burnin after the fact to ensure convergence, but this function works pretty well. thinChains : bool, optional Whether or not to thin chains. Useful if running long chains. Defaults to True. If true, estimates a thin cadence via int(0.5*np.min(tau)) where tau is the intergrated autocorrelation time. verbose : bool, optional Output all the diagnostics? Defaults to False. Returns ------- iburn : int burn-in index estimate. If estBurnin == False, returns 0. ithin : int thin cadence estimate. If thinChains == False, returns 1. """ # Set tol = 0 so it always returns an answer tau = sampler.get_autocorr_time(tol=0) # Catch NaNs if np.any(~np.isfinite(tau)): # Try removing NaNs tau = tau[np.isfinite(np.array(tau))] if len(tau) < 1: if verbose: print("Failed to compute integrated autocorrelation length, tau.") print("Setting tau = 1") tau = 1 # Estimate burn-in? if estBurnin: iburn = int(2.0*np.max(tau)) else: iburn = 0 # Thin chains? if thinChains: ithin = np.max((int(0.5*np.min(tau)), 1)) else: ithin = 1 if verbose: print("burn-in estimate: %d" % iburn) print("thin estimate: %d" % ithin) return iburn, ithin
# end function