Source code for approxposterior.gpUtils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:py:mod:`` - Gaussian Process Utilities

Gaussian process utility functions for initializing GPs and optimizing their


# Tell module what it's allowed to import
__all__ = ["defaultHyperPrior", "defaultGP", "optimizeGP"]

from . import utility as util
import numpy as np
import george
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

[docs]def defaultHyperPrior(p): """ Default prior function for GP hyperparameters. This prior also keeps the hyperparameters within a reasonable huge range, [-20, 20]. Note that george operates on the *log* hyperparameters, except for the mean function. Parameters ---------- p : array/iterable Array of GP hyperparameters Returns ------- prior : float """ # Restrict range of hyperparameters (ignoring mean term) if np.any(np.fabs(p)[1:] > 20): return -np.inf return 0.0
# end function def _nll(p, gp, y, priorFn=None): """ Given parameters and data, compute the negative log likelihood of the data under the george Gaussian process. Parameters ---------- p : array GP hyperparameters gp : george.GP y : array data to condition GP on priorFn : callable Prior function for the GP hyperparameters, p Returns ------- nll : float negative log-likelihood of y under gp """ # Apply priors on GP hyperparameters if priorFn is not None: if not np.isfinite(priorFn(p)): return np.inf # Catch singular matrices try: gp.set_parameter_vector(p) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: return np.inf ll = gp.log_likelihood(y, quiet=True) return -ll if np.isfinite(ll) else np.inf # end function def _grad_nll(p, gp, y, priorFn=None): """ Given parameters and data, compute the gradient of the negative log likelihood of the data under the george Gaussian process. Parameters ---------- p : array GP hyperparameters gp : george.GP y : array data to condition GP on priorFn : callable Prior function for the GP hyperparameters, p Returns ------- gnll : float gradient of the negative log-likelihood of y under gp """ # Apply priors on GP hyperparameters if priorFn is not None: if not np.isfinite(priorFn(p)): return np.inf # Negative gradient of log likelihood return -gp.grad_log_likelihood(y, quiet=True) # end function
[docs]def defaultGP(theta, y, order=None, white_noise=-12, fitAmp=False): """ Basic utility function that initializes a simple GP with an ExpSquaredKernel. This kernel works well in many applications as it effectively enforces a prior on the smoothness of the function and is infinitely differentiable. Parameters ---------- theta : array Design points y : array Data to condition GP on, e.g. the lnlike + lnprior at each design point, theta. order : int, optional Order of PolynomialKernel to add to ExpSquaredKernel. Defaults to None, that is, no PolynomialKernel is added and the GP only uses the ExpSquaredKernel white_noise : float, optional From george docs: "A description of the logarithm of the white noise variance added to the diagonal of the covariance matrix". Defaults to ln(white_noise) = -12. Note: if order is not None, you might need to set the white_noise to a larger value for the computation to be numerically stable, but this, as always, depends on the application. fitAmp : bool, optional Whether or not to include an amplitude term. Defaults to False. Returns ------- gp : george.GP Gaussian process with initialized kernel and factorized covariance matrix. """ # Tidy up the shapes and determine dimensionality theta = np.asarray(theta).squeeze() y = np.asarray(y).squeeze() if theta.ndim <= 1: ndim = 1 else: ndim = theta.shape[-1] # Guess initial metric, or scale length of the covariances (must be > 0) initialMetric = np.fabs(np.random.randn(ndim)) # Create kernel: We'll model coveriances in loglikelihood space using a # ndim-dimensional Squared Expoential Kernel kernel = george.kernels.ExpSquaredKernel(metric=initialMetric, ndim=ndim) # Include an amplitude term? if fitAmp: kernel = np.var(y) * kernel # Add a linear regression kernel of order order? # Use a meh guess for the amplitude and for the scale length (log(gamma^2)) if order is not None: kernel = kernel + (np.var(y)/10.0) * george.kernels.LinearKernel(log_gamma2=initialMetric[0], order=order, bounds=None, ndim=ndim) # Create GP and compute the kernel, aka factor the covariance matrix gp = george.GP(kernel=kernel, fit_mean=True, mean=np.median(y), white_noise=white_noise, fit_white_noise=False) gp.compute(theta) return gp
# end function
[docs]def optimizeGP(gp, theta, y, seed=None, nGPRestarts=1, method="powell", options=None, p0=None, gpHyperPrior=defaultHyperPrior): """ Optimize hyperparameters of an arbitrary george Gaussian Process by maximizing the marginal loglikelihood. Parameters ---------- gp : george.GP theta : array y : array data to condition GP on seed : int, optional numpy RNG seed. Defaults to None. nGPRestarts : int, optional Number of times to restart the optimization. Defaults to 1. Increase this number if the GP isn't optimized well. method : str, optional scipy.optimize.minimize method. Defaults to powell. options : dict, optional kwargs for the scipy.optimize.minimize function. Defaults to None. p0 : array, optional Initial guess for kernel hyperparameters. If None, defaults to np.random.randn for each parameter gpHyperPrior : str/callable, optional Prior function for GP hyperparameters. Defaults to the defaultHyperPrior fn. This function asserts that the mean must be negative and that each log hyperparameter is within the range [-20,20]. Returns ------- optimizedGP : george.GP """ # Run the optimization routine nGPRestarts times res = [] mll = [] # Optimize GP hyperparameters by maximizing marginal log_likelihood for ii in range(nGPRestarts): # Initialize inputs for each minimization if p0 is None: # Pick random guesses for kernel hyperparameters x0 = [np.median(y)] + [np.random.randn() for _ in range(len(gp.get_parameter_vector())-1)] else: # Take user-supplied guess and slightly perturb it x0 = np.array(p0) + np.min(p0) * 1.0e-3 * np.random.randn(len(p0)) # Minimize GP nll, save result, evaluate marginal likelihood if method not in ["nelder-mead", "powell", "cg"]: jac = _grad_nll else: jac = None resii = minimize(_nll, x0, args=(gp, y, gpHyperPrior), method=method, jac=jac, bounds=None, options=options)["x"] res.append(resii) # Update the kernel with solution for computing marginal loglike gp.set_parameter_vector(resii) gp.recompute() # Compute marginal log likelihood for this set of kernel hyperparameters mll.append(gp.log_likelihood(y, quiet=True)) # Pick result with largest marginal log likelihood ind = np.argmax(mll) # Update gp gp.set_parameter_vector(res[ind]) gp.recompute() return gp
# end function